Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Traditions

Growing up we would all (and by all I mean 20-30 ppl) gather at my grandmothers house for Easter at 2pm.  Yes, dinner at 2pm.  Must be a German thing. All the grandkids would get Easter baskets from walmart filled with candy that was possibly stale. In more recent years, I have been the one to play the Easter bunny and go out back to hide eggs for the younger grandkids.  After the egg hunt, everyone would come inside for dinner and stare questionably at the colored eggs that had been sitting out on the table for 3+ hours and wonder which adult would be the brave one to eat an egg first.  It was always a lot of fun spending time with family and catching up on life.

Isaac and I had our first Easter together back in 2005.  It was rather amusing to see him interact with my family. Later on I had learned that his family never did many things like that growing up.  It was always a quick dinner and "Happy Easter".  Seeing him in this new environment was quite comical.  He loved watching the egg hunt and now participates in hiding them with me.  All the family and all the food blew him away.

This year, we are staying in Tallahassee.  I miss my family a lot.  I sit here and think about watching Jake look for eggs and my Uncle Marvin teaching the kids to crack eggs open with their heads.  I think about the deviled eggs that mom is required to make and the 5+ desserts my grams bought.  It's hard not being there.

A few years ago, we began a new tradition on the family gatherings I wasn't able to make.  I call it "phone hot-potato".  The family still gathers at 2pm. I wait until at least 2:30 for the stragglers to get there and then I call.  It starts with gram or gramps answering the phone and then it gets passed to the next closest person and so on.  After about 30 minutes, I have talked to everyone and have said my Happy Easters.  After I hang up, I laugh and cry about how much I miss my crazy family, lunatics and all.

Growing up, I couldn't wait to go off to college.  I graduated in 2008 and have stayed in Tally for various reasons.  Now, I can't wait to move back home.  All I can say is "soon, but not soon enough".  I miss my family dearly and can't wait to see you this summer.  I love you all and to my friends and family, I wish you a Happy and Blessed Easter!