Tuesday, July 10, 2012

If it's not fun, why do it?

My motto for most things in life is about the word fun.  Christina laughs at me when she compliments my clothing for the day and my reply is "If it's not fun, why wear it?"  This quirky little quote of mine applies to so many things in life.

As adults we forget how to have fun.  I'm not referring to the partying and drug "fun" that the world attempts to enjoy so much until they wake up with a hangover.  I am referring to the simple things in life, like clothes, hobbies, and dinner parties.  Most adults think life consists of work, laundry, and bills.  Yeah, that can be a rather depressing and boring life.  We get so focused on the Negative Nancy/Ned News Anchor and the economy.  Life begins to take on a "what's the next horrible thing I'm going to endure" outlook.  Can we say yuck?  Who wants to live a life that's all doom and gloom? Not this girl!  I'm so tired of the news and the cranky pants in this world.  Get over it people!  There is more to life than the sucky stuff.

This is where the fun comes in.  People often laugh when they hear that as an adult I still have kiddie birthday cakes.  Just a few weeks ago we had a Little Mermaid cake.  Yup, you read that right.  My 26th birthday was celebrated with the Little Mermaid.  Most people dread getting older when in reality we get older every second, literally.  People think that getting older means we have to grow up and focus on the crappy stuff in the prior paragraph. Guess what.  It's a lie!

The older we get the more we are in need of feeling like a kid.  Once you let the kid in you die, it's hard to get back.  Yes there are bills to pay and a job you must attend, but there is also fun to be had.  Find a job you love and do it better than everyone else.  If you have a blah job, make it fun!  I am not a fan of my current job mainly because I'm not challenged and feel useless.  So to combat that and bring some fun back, I try to make at least 3 people in my section smile or laugh every day.  Just today I took some clementines from my bosses desk that had been there a few days and wrote a few funny phrases on them.  I have never heard him laugh that loud.  It was awesome and made my day worth it.

If you can't find a way to add a little fun into your work day, then find a hobby.  Recently I have taken up sewing and geocaching.  I have learned so much and pushed myself to do new things.  Honestly, I really enjoy both.  On nasty or waaaay too hot days I can be inside and sew.  On nicer days, I'm starting to find myself outside geocaching.  www.geocaching.com  It's like a world wide hide and seek or treasure hunt.  Once you find the cache, it's funny to see how many other people have crossed your exact path before and enjoy having fun outdoors. Try it sometime.

We all need to be a little more kid like.  Don't let the kid in you die.  Nurture it so that you can still laugh and not take the world too seriously.  Laughter leads to a longer and more enjoyable life.  Let hair down and have a little good, old-fashioned fun sometimes.  If you ever want to try this geocaching things, let me know and we can go together.  :)  If you you can't find a little fun in your life, you're wasting it.  Find something fun and DO IT!