Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Heading into the final stretch

Currently sitting at week 31.5.  The first 7 months were great.  Had minimal yacking episodes in the first trimester and for a few weeks was sleeping 12 hours a day.  We enjoyed going to the doctor every month and seeing how much she had grown in the previous four weeks.  It was always fascinating and fun.  Endured the awkward looks when you told people you were pregnant, but not yet showing.  Half the time they thought you were pulling their leg.  Found out she was a girl at 13 weeks and the specialist said she looked perfect, no spinal issues to be concerned about.  All in all a fairly calm first trimester.  i know some of my friends that would have killed to have my first trimester experience.

Second trimester came and seemed even more calm than the first.  We still enjoyed comparing the monthly sonogram to the previous one.  Took a Disney Cruise (like I'm going to let pregnancy keep me away from that!).  Had a blast just getting away for a few days.  After the cruise I took Isaac with me to set up our baby registry.  It was a lot of fun having him tag along.  He learned a lot, we laughed and I was glad he could reach and scan things that were higher up for me.  I think that trip made everything very real to him.  It was also around then that the bump really started to show.  Things were very smooth except for the occasional bump in the road at that point.

Then came the third trimester.  I think all that crap that I somehow didn't have to deal with in the first finally caught up to me along with me being ready for week 40.  Many women say their first trimester is the worst, for me it's the third.  The belly starts expanding and it feels like your abdomen is literally about to split open during some of those growth spurts. They ended up leaving me sore for days and at one point I had two growth spurts within a few days.  As she grows, so does her strength and the ability to feel her movements.  Which on one hand is great, but on the other my ribs are begging for mercy as she digs her little foot up between the rib and liver. Ugh!  Talk about a bruised rib.  I've learned to literally ice or use heat on her little butt and she wiggles away and gives me some relief.  I already have to stay one step ahead of her and she's not even out of my belly yet!  Once every day or two I will feel a contraction and it kinda tickles a little but at this point.  It's also a little awkward when I'm resting my hand on my belly (mainly because I don't have a lap to use as a resting place anymore) and all of a sudden it gets rock hard and it hits me that I'm having a contraction.  Definitely takes some getting used to.

Went home a few weeks ago for my family and friends baby shower.  It was a blast and we were incredibly blessed.  I was also able to do a maternity photo shoot with an old friend from high school.  We had a great time roaming around the beach and just being silly.

I've realized that one of the hardest things in pregnancy is being sick.  I had bronchitis for over a month.  When you're pregnant, there is very little you can take.  Then on top of it all your ligaments and what not are very relaxed from those wonderful hormones.  Try coughing up crap to get better when your body feels too weak to cough.  Yeah, that month was the absolute worst of my pregnancy by far.  I barely slept, went through countless boxes of tissues, felt weak, and was growing a child. Oh my!  Glad that seems to be over with. 

Starting to get back on a better sleep schedule, although that third trimester needing more sleep bit is starting to find me.  The Isa-belly is now pretty huge and I'm constantly amazed at how I now have to really think and strategize how I am actually going to get out of bed or a chair.  Never had to think about that before.  The hormones are fluctuating yet again to prepare for Isabelle which messes with your mind more than you can imagine.  It's funny and sad at the same time.  My psycho alter-ego even came out to play the other day. Oops! Poor hubby!  On the bright side, he's only had to deal with psycho me a few times during pregnancy.

Other fun pregnancy stuff...feet are incredibly swollen most of the time, my wedding rings haven't fit since about 28 weeks, and my butt is larger than ever.  The things I enjoy the most are feeling her move around, especially to Brad Paisley I've noticed, seeing her heart beat at every appointment, and playing games with her as she kicks to follow my fingers.  There are some really sucky parts, but there are also some really fun parts.  All I need now is to get through the next 8ish weeks and a place to live soon so I can set up her room! haha.

Isabelle and I hope you have a great day!

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