Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Month of Awesome!

I always thought December was my favorite month, but now I'm realizing it may be February instead.  Odd month to be a favorite, I know.  However, February seems to have a lot of personal milestones and happiness in it for me.

Husband and I started off the month with a mini vacation to Disney to celebrate our anniversary and take what will probably be our last "us only" trip before Isabelle makes her arrival.  We had a blast!  However, I don't think I would ever recommend to another pregnant woman to visit all 4 Disney parks in one day at 6 months pregnant.  It was fun, but I'm also a crazy prego chick. My hubs and I had a great time together and were able to get some much needed time to reconnect without pups, work, or other daily distractions.

On the 5th, we celebrated our 3 year anniversary.  After work and class, we went to Melting Pot for some chocolate fondue.  It was nice to not be the one making it for once. They were nice enough to put us in a booth at the back and near the restrooms (every pregnant woman's dream at this stage).  It was quieter so we could actually talk and focus on our conversation.  Lots of reminiscing about our wedding day and the preparation that took place.  Even brought up how when we cut into the top layer of our wedding cake a year later, there was an inch of icing around the cake. No lie!  Everyone that was there that day, just made it that much more special.

This Saturday will be a year since my accident.  At the time and with all the surgeries I had to go through, I thought it was one of the worst things to ever happen to me.  Turns out, it was a huge blessing in disguise.  Amidst all the chaos I ended up with a new massage therapist who worked in a way I had never experienced and my whole body regain balance and internal harmony.  Toward the end of the months of surgical procedures, we ended up getting pregnant.  God's timing in it was perfect.  I found out about a week after my final procedure just as I was getting my "all clear" again.  Amidst it all, God has provided financially and even helped pay off debts.  The accident was probably one of the worst experiences in my life, but God used it for good and multiple blessings.

One of the things I am most excited about takes place on the 10th.  During my teenage years I was diagnosed with myoclonic seizures.  These are little ticks and jerks in the extremities of the body.  I was experiencing 15-20 of these a day at my worst point.  For the most part, they weren't painful unless I accidentally hit something like a wall or door.  They did prevent me from getting my license with all my class mates and I was at the doctors office trying new drug concoctions every few weeks.  Not to mention the EEG tests where you look like you have wires coming out of your brain or figuring out you were allergic to medications and having them send you to the hospital fighting for breath.  Yeah, not a very fun time in my life for sure.  Back home we had a pastor whose sole focus was prayer for the sheep.  He was a friend of mine's dad.  I went to him one day asking for some one on one prayer and direction within this situation. On my second visit he and another pastor, whose family I was close with, showed me James 5: 13-15.  This verse speaks of elders anointing the sick with oil and prayer for healing.  We discussed and I decided I wanted to do it.  I understood that God wanted to heal me through my faith at this point.  Those 2 pastors along with my family and some of my elders gathered in a small room after the church service was over on Wednesday night.  I was anointed and prayed over for about 20 minutes.  When these mighty men of God laid their hands on me and prayed, I could feel His power come over me and bring healing.  That was February 10, 2003.  This year I am celebrating 10 YEARS of being seizure free by the grace of God.  I have seen God perform many more miracles in my life and the lives of others, but this one was one of my favorites.

February is also an amazing month that i have been looking forward to since November.  The end of the month means it's finally time for some high speeds and high banking turns.  Although I probably won't be able to attend any races this year, it's time for NASCAR!  Many people don't understand my love for this sport until they experience it first hand.  Just to feel the roar of the engines, see the battles first hand, and the excitement that surrounds it is amazing.  It's also wonderful to see how many different children's charities these drivers, teams, and fans are involved in.  I've been to soccer games and pro football games, I have never seen a more charitable sport especially with fans getting involved.  I love my Nascar.

February has a lot to celebrate for me and I thank God for that.

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