Sunday, January 22, 2012

Flat Butt Syndrome

I know it's been over a week since I last wrote.  Work had me worn out last week and also provided my topic for today: Flat Butt Syndrome.

FBS is a very serious epidemic effecting our society today.  With more and more jobs involving technology and hours of sitting at a desk every day, Flat Butt Syndrome has spread across the nation.  It effects every single office worker who does not take proper precautionary measures.  It doesn't matter if you have a young, happy, bubble butt or just a large derriere from too much southern cooking, if you aren't careful you will become a victim.

So this all started last week when a friend of mine kept having different work questions come up and instead of using email or gchat, she would get up every single time and walk down the hall and across the large room to my desk.  After the 3rd or 4th time that morning, I reminded her that she had gchat and was more than welcome to ask me anything through that.  That's when I was made aware of FBS.  She informed me that while she could very easily ask me through the chat anything, she wanted to avoid flat butt.  I totally laughed at her and told her she was crazy.  Then we went for a walk around the office and checked out some rumps of those that had been working in an office environment for 5+ years.  I was amazed at the amount of people whole literally had butts so flat that they were almost non existent.

Once I realized that my friend was not as crazy as I had once presumed, I asked her how I could avoid this seemingly unavoidable demise.  Her answer was simple, get up and move.  Every time she has a question, she walks to the person for an answer.  This small walk isn't just to get some face time or possibly better understanding, but to make sure your rump stays nice and plump.  I have now taken actions to get up from my desk every 15-20 minutes to walk to the printer or around the office, not just to loosen up my back, but to also prevent FBS.

As funny as it is, take a look around next time you are out and about.  You will begin to see it EVERYWHERE!  So do your part starting this week.  Get up for at least a minute walk or stretch in the morning and again in the afternoon, not just at lunch.  Let's keep our perky-ish derrieres and take a stand against Flat Butts today!

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