Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Get out of the way! My family is trying to save someone's life!

Ok, so tonight I have a serious rant.  Having grown up in a family of firemen, I am crazy sensitive to when emergency vehicles are approaching me whether I am a pedestrian or in a vehicle.  Every time I see an ambulance, I pray for the patient and those treating them.  Every time I see a policeman, I smile and pray for their safety.  Every time I see fireman, I get teary eyed and pray for all firefighters and especially my own.  These are the people that take a lot of flack and don't always get the respect they deserve for being willing to save your life at a moments notice.

If you pay attention, you will notice that when a fire truck is barreling down the road to come to the rescue, the lights and sirens are on and the driver is blaring his/her horn at anyone that won't get out of the way.  I find myself joining in with my horn and yelling at the moron who could be causing the responders to loose precious time in possibly saving a life. If you see the lights, GET OUT OF THE FRICKIN WAY!!!!  It's that simple.  I really wish that there were cameras on the truck that somehow or other could take pictures of the license plates of the morons that don't get out of the way and send them a $500 ticket for putting their neighbors life at more of a risk and delaying the help someone needs.

Also, frogger is not a real game and probably the worst game ever.  Don't be stupid and drink and decide it is a good idea  to play this game in real life.  Some guy did.  My uncle, an asst chief, was responding to a call.  It was dark.  The guy drinking stepped into the way of an oncoming vehicle with lights and sirens blaring.  The guy is dead.  Now my uncle has to live with killing someone for life.  It wasn't his fault.  There was nothing he could do.  By the time the truck was stopped and my uncle was out to assist in attempting to save the guy's life, it was too late.

I love and respect firemen.  I have many in my family and many more that are friends.  To my friends that put their lives on the line daily by serving this country and those serving their communities, I say Thank You.  You are some of the bravest individuals I know and will always be my heros.

I'm glad my uncle is alright.  Honestly, I don't know what I would do without him.  He has always been the father I never had.  I love my uncle and know that all I can do right now is pray for him in this trying time and remind others to simply get out of the way. Next time you see a man or woman in uniform, take time to thank them for their service.  You might need it one day.  And next time you see lights flashing and hear the sirens wailing, pull over to the side.  After all, it could be your family or house they are headed to. As I always end my calls with my uncle, stay safe!

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