Sunday, January 8, 2012

I didn't hear you, I'm deaf...or so they thought :)

So, as I was talking with my mother last night, I was reminded of a funny little thing that occurred during one of our race weekends.  It was April of 2009 and we were going to our first Talladega race.  (yes, the Talladega my sweet puppy boy was named after)  If you know anything about Talladega, Alabama, then you know there is literally nothing there besides a track, a small gas station and a few hidden homes.  If you go to the race; you either camp outside the track or stay in one of the towns 30+ minutes away.

Mom and I stayed in this quaint little town of Gardendale, AL.  The day before the race we went shopping at some mall it took hours to find.  Yes, we went shopping on this trip just like all our other trips (Surprise, Surprise).  Well, after leaving the mall, we decided to stop and eat before going back to the hotel.  There was some really run down, scary looking burger place or KFC.  Not much of a decision needed to be made.

We went inside and ordered our food and went to sit and eat.  It was rather chilly inside the KFC, so I decided to run out to the car real quick to grab a sweatshirt and avoid freezing while eating.  As I walked out to the car, this other vehicle with occupants that looked like they might be from the hood pulled up right next to ours.  They weren't exactly the crowd I felt like interacting with although they were trying to get my attention and ask for directions as I was leaning in my car to find my sweatshirt.  After 5 seconds of not answering them, they became a bit more obnoxious.  I decided to continue ignoring them as they seemed slightly intoxicated (slurred words and obnoxious).

As I was about to stand up from leaning into my car and walk back inside they honked the horn at me twice to get my attention as I was standing up.  This really rubbed me the wrong way, so I decided to be a bit dramatic.  I stood up and turned around to them with a complete look of shock on my face and said not a word.  The driver who was now laughing because he finally got my attention began to ask me for directions.  So I just kind of stared at him and used my ASL to sign that I was deaf and not hearing.  I played off that I totally didn't hear/comprehend a word the dude said and signed that I was sorry, but that I didn't understand him.  He and his friends all of a sudden got really quiet and bashful.  I have never seen an obnoxious punk look that embarrassed.  He started telling me he was sorry really loudly (as most people do thinking that will make the deaf hear them better) and threw his car into reverse and peeled out of that parking lot as quickly as he could.

I walked back into the restaurant laughing hysterically and told my mom all about it.  That was probably one of the funniest things I have ever done to teach an obnoxious jerk a lesson.  My ASL professor got a kick out of the story too the following week.

Lesson to be learned: never be an obnoxious dork to someone with a twisted sense of humor or you will likely be humiliated.  Hope this little story brightened your day!

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