Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Heading into the final stretch

Currently sitting at week 31.5.  The first 7 months were great.  Had minimal yacking episodes in the first trimester and for a few weeks was sleeping 12 hours a day.  We enjoyed going to the doctor every month and seeing how much she had grown in the previous four weeks.  It was always fascinating and fun.  Endured the awkward looks when you told people you were pregnant, but not yet showing.  Half the time they thought you were pulling their leg.  Found out she was a girl at 13 weeks and the specialist said she looked perfect, no spinal issues to be concerned about.  All in all a fairly calm first trimester.  i know some of my friends that would have killed to have my first trimester experience.

Second trimester came and seemed even more calm than the first.  We still enjoyed comparing the monthly sonogram to the previous one.  Took a Disney Cruise (like I'm going to let pregnancy keep me away from that!).  Had a blast just getting away for a few days.  After the cruise I took Isaac with me to set up our baby registry.  It was a lot of fun having him tag along.  He learned a lot, we laughed and I was glad he could reach and scan things that were higher up for me.  I think that trip made everything very real to him.  It was also around then that the bump really started to show.  Things were very smooth except for the occasional bump in the road at that point.

Then came the third trimester.  I think all that crap that I somehow didn't have to deal with in the first finally caught up to me along with me being ready for week 40.  Many women say their first trimester is the worst, for me it's the third.  The belly starts expanding and it feels like your abdomen is literally about to split open during some of those growth spurts. They ended up leaving me sore for days and at one point I had two growth spurts within a few days.  As she grows, so does her strength and the ability to feel her movements.  Which on one hand is great, but on the other my ribs are begging for mercy as she digs her little foot up between the rib and liver. Ugh!  Talk about a bruised rib.  I've learned to literally ice or use heat on her little butt and she wiggles away and gives me some relief.  I already have to stay one step ahead of her and she's not even out of my belly yet!  Once every day or two I will feel a contraction and it kinda tickles a little but at this point.  It's also a little awkward when I'm resting my hand on my belly (mainly because I don't have a lap to use as a resting place anymore) and all of a sudden it gets rock hard and it hits me that I'm having a contraction.  Definitely takes some getting used to.

Went home a few weeks ago for my family and friends baby shower.  It was a blast and we were incredibly blessed.  I was also able to do a maternity photo shoot with an old friend from high school.  We had a great time roaming around the beach and just being silly.

I've realized that one of the hardest things in pregnancy is being sick.  I had bronchitis for over a month.  When you're pregnant, there is very little you can take.  Then on top of it all your ligaments and what not are very relaxed from those wonderful hormones.  Try coughing up crap to get better when your body feels too weak to cough.  Yeah, that month was the absolute worst of my pregnancy by far.  I barely slept, went through countless boxes of tissues, felt weak, and was growing a child. Oh my!  Glad that seems to be over with. 

Starting to get back on a better sleep schedule, although that third trimester needing more sleep bit is starting to find me.  The Isa-belly is now pretty huge and I'm constantly amazed at how I now have to really think and strategize how I am actually going to get out of bed or a chair.  Never had to think about that before.  The hormones are fluctuating yet again to prepare for Isabelle which messes with your mind more than you can imagine.  It's funny and sad at the same time.  My psycho alter-ego even came out to play the other day. Oops! Poor hubby!  On the bright side, he's only had to deal with psycho me a few times during pregnancy.

Other fun pregnancy stuff...feet are incredibly swollen most of the time, my wedding rings haven't fit since about 28 weeks, and my butt is larger than ever.  The things I enjoy the most are feeling her move around, especially to Brad Paisley I've noticed, seeing her heart beat at every appointment, and playing games with her as she kicks to follow my fingers.  There are some really sucky parts, but there are also some really fun parts.  All I need now is to get through the next 8ish weeks and a place to live soon so I can set up her room! haha.

Isabelle and I hope you have a great day!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Month of Awesome!

I always thought December was my favorite month, but now I'm realizing it may be February instead.  Odd month to be a favorite, I know.  However, February seems to have a lot of personal milestones and happiness in it for me.

Husband and I started off the month with a mini vacation to Disney to celebrate our anniversary and take what will probably be our last "us only" trip before Isabelle makes her arrival.  We had a blast!  However, I don't think I would ever recommend to another pregnant woman to visit all 4 Disney parks in one day at 6 months pregnant.  It was fun, but I'm also a crazy prego chick. My hubs and I had a great time together and were able to get some much needed time to reconnect without pups, work, or other daily distractions.

On the 5th, we celebrated our 3 year anniversary.  After work and class, we went to Melting Pot for some chocolate fondue.  It was nice to not be the one making it for once. They were nice enough to put us in a booth at the back and near the restrooms (every pregnant woman's dream at this stage).  It was quieter so we could actually talk and focus on our conversation.  Lots of reminiscing about our wedding day and the preparation that took place.  Even brought up how when we cut into the top layer of our wedding cake a year later, there was an inch of icing around the cake. No lie!  Everyone that was there that day, just made it that much more special.

This Saturday will be a year since my accident.  At the time and with all the surgeries I had to go through, I thought it was one of the worst things to ever happen to me.  Turns out, it was a huge blessing in disguise.  Amidst all the chaos I ended up with a new massage therapist who worked in a way I had never experienced and my whole body regain balance and internal harmony.  Toward the end of the months of surgical procedures, we ended up getting pregnant.  God's timing in it was perfect.  I found out about a week after my final procedure just as I was getting my "all clear" again.  Amidst it all, God has provided financially and even helped pay off debts.  The accident was probably one of the worst experiences in my life, but God used it for good and multiple blessings.

One of the things I am most excited about takes place on the 10th.  During my teenage years I was diagnosed with myoclonic seizures.  These are little ticks and jerks in the extremities of the body.  I was experiencing 15-20 of these a day at my worst point.  For the most part, they weren't painful unless I accidentally hit something like a wall or door.  They did prevent me from getting my license with all my class mates and I was at the doctors office trying new drug concoctions every few weeks.  Not to mention the EEG tests where you look like you have wires coming out of your brain or figuring out you were allergic to medications and having them send you to the hospital fighting for breath.  Yeah, not a very fun time in my life for sure.  Back home we had a pastor whose sole focus was prayer for the sheep.  He was a friend of mine's dad.  I went to him one day asking for some one on one prayer and direction within this situation. On my second visit he and another pastor, whose family I was close with, showed me James 5: 13-15.  This verse speaks of elders anointing the sick with oil and prayer for healing.  We discussed and I decided I wanted to do it.  I understood that God wanted to heal me through my faith at this point.  Those 2 pastors along with my family and some of my elders gathered in a small room after the church service was over on Wednesday night.  I was anointed and prayed over for about 20 minutes.  When these mighty men of God laid their hands on me and prayed, I could feel His power come over me and bring healing.  That was February 10, 2003.  This year I am celebrating 10 YEARS of being seizure free by the grace of God.  I have seen God perform many more miracles in my life and the lives of others, but this one was one of my favorites.

February is also an amazing month that i have been looking forward to since November.  The end of the month means it's finally time for some high speeds and high banking turns.  Although I probably won't be able to attend any races this year, it's time for NASCAR!  Many people don't understand my love for this sport until they experience it first hand.  Just to feel the roar of the engines, see the battles first hand, and the excitement that surrounds it is amazing.  It's also wonderful to see how many different children's charities these drivers, teams, and fans are involved in.  I've been to soccer games and pro football games, I have never seen a more charitable sport especially with fans getting involved.  I love my Nascar.

February has a lot to celebrate for me and I thank God for that.

Saturday, January 26, 2013's been a while...again. Sorry!

My momma keeps asking when I'm going to write again and I keep getting side tracked which is actually par for the course right now. So let's catch up!

Since my last post I finally finished all my surgeries and procedures. Yay!  Since the car accident I've had 3 major surgeries and 3 semi-surgical procedures.  Not to mention the countless massages and chiropractic appointments.  Yeah, it was a busy 7 or 8 months.  Glad to be done with all that!

My last procedure was a couple of nerve cauterizations on a Tuesday morning.  Things went really well, but I felt a little off afterward.  Two days prior I all of a sudden had to get my hair cut right then and there.  This is very out of the norm for me considering I am crazy picky about who cuts my hair.  My stylist lives 4 hours away-like I said, crazy about who touches my hair.  Well, I got it cut by some girl at Cuts by Us.  She didn't do the worst job, but it also wasn't "woohoo!"  I tipped her $7 on a $13 cut.  That should have been my first clue.  The off-ness on Tuesday should have been my second.  I brushed them both off and went about my week.  Then came Thursday night.  I was at church as usual when at the end I felt sicker than a dog and almost began crying, because I couldn't find Isaac to take me home.  Again, not a typical me thing to do.  On the way home as my stomach feels like I'm about to barf everything I've eaten since Monday and I'm crying hysterically, I notice I'm freaking Isaac out.  :)   As I'm crying and he is trying to figure out if I need to go to the ER, I'm trying to think what my problem is.  As we are almost near the hospital (it's on our way home), I see the sign for the Women's Pavilion.  Then it hit me as I'm yelling at him to take me home and I'll explain when i can calm down.  Poor guy, i felt like I almost gave him a heart attack as I was completely fine the entire day up 'til then.  We get home, I pray to the porcelain gods, Isaac is pacing, and after 10 minutes of "prayer" I can finally catch my breath.  I told him, I thought I was pregnant and was peeing on my dollar store prego test first thing the next morning.

Keep in mind, I have been told for a number of years that it would be very difficult if not impossible to get pregnant.  I had also had 3 surgeries in the few months prior.  With that much anesthesia, it throws all your hormones (esp the chick ones) way off.  I hadn't had my period for 5 months.  Then had it and 2 weeks later had a surgery (typically when I would ovulate).  So amongst all of that craziness God just might have pulled an "I told ya so."  Friday morning came and I sprang out of bed and grabbed that good 'ol dollar store pregnancy test.  As I was watching the test and it was drawing the fluid up to the test and control line areas, that sucker light up like a Christmas tree.  I showed positive before it even got near the control line.  Holy cow, I'm pregnant!  I jumped in the shower to get my day started...and began yacking again.  Yup, I'm pregnant all right.  I told Isaac as soon as we got home from the gym, told my mother about a week later, and the rest of the world a bit after that.

Just one little glitch, I was starting a new job in a week.  Oops!  I had an appointment with my OB a couple weeks later and then told my new boss.  That one was a hard conversation to have.  She just kinda looked at me like I was crazy when I told her the date.  All she said was, "That's COM graduation day."  Oh crap!  That's our second biggest project in my new position.  The biggest is orientation, which is 1-2 weeks later.  I just quietly got up and slinked away.  A few days later she was a lot calmer about it and is now really happy for me.

Since I found out, we have had some awesome moments regarding the pregnancy and finally settled on the car accident.  It's been almost a year since the accident and I'm glad it's done and the Lord has created a miracle or two in the midst of the storm.  I know I kept this one short.  I think it was more for my sake than yours, because I needed to stop and remember that even in the hard and crazy storms, God is still with us and will even throw in a miracle or two when we wait on him.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

If it's not fun, why do it?

My motto for most things in life is about the word fun.  Christina laughs at me when she compliments my clothing for the day and my reply is "If it's not fun, why wear it?"  This quirky little quote of mine applies to so many things in life.

As adults we forget how to have fun.  I'm not referring to the partying and drug "fun" that the world attempts to enjoy so much until they wake up with a hangover.  I am referring to the simple things in life, like clothes, hobbies, and dinner parties.  Most adults think life consists of work, laundry, and bills.  Yeah, that can be a rather depressing and boring life.  We get so focused on the Negative Nancy/Ned News Anchor and the economy.  Life begins to take on a "what's the next horrible thing I'm going to endure" outlook.  Can we say yuck?  Who wants to live a life that's all doom and gloom? Not this girl!  I'm so tired of the news and the cranky pants in this world.  Get over it people!  There is more to life than the sucky stuff.

This is where the fun comes in.  People often laugh when they hear that as an adult I still have kiddie birthday cakes.  Just a few weeks ago we had a Little Mermaid cake.  Yup, you read that right.  My 26th birthday was celebrated with the Little Mermaid.  Most people dread getting older when in reality we get older every second, literally.  People think that getting older means we have to grow up and focus on the crappy stuff in the prior paragraph. Guess what.  It's a lie!

The older we get the more we are in need of feeling like a kid.  Once you let the kid in you die, it's hard to get back.  Yes there are bills to pay and a job you must attend, but there is also fun to be had.  Find a job you love and do it better than everyone else.  If you have a blah job, make it fun!  I am not a fan of my current job mainly because I'm not challenged and feel useless.  So to combat that and bring some fun back, I try to make at least 3 people in my section smile or laugh every day.  Just today I took some clementines from my bosses desk that had been there a few days and wrote a few funny phrases on them.  I have never heard him laugh that loud.  It was awesome and made my day worth it.

If you can't find a way to add a little fun into your work day, then find a hobby.  Recently I have taken up sewing and geocaching.  I have learned so much and pushed myself to do new things.  Honestly, I really enjoy both.  On nasty or waaaay too hot days I can be inside and sew.  On nicer days, I'm starting to find myself outside geocaching.  It's like a world wide hide and seek or treasure hunt.  Once you find the cache, it's funny to see how many other people have crossed your exact path before and enjoy having fun outdoors. Try it sometime.

We all need to be a little more kid like.  Don't let the kid in you die.  Nurture it so that you can still laugh and not take the world too seriously.  Laughter leads to a longer and more enjoyable life.  Let hair down and have a little good, old-fashioned fun sometimes.  If you ever want to try this geocaching things, let me know and we can go together.  :)  If you you can't find a little fun in your life, you're wasting it.  Find something fun and DO IT!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Scars? Bring 'em on!!!

People have different perceptions about scars.  I was in my Vascular Surgeon’s office again yesterday (they should just hire me on at this point) and we agreed I was healing nicely and minimal drainage.   This is very good news that we were both excited about and instead of a weekly chat, we can now go a month without seeing each other.  Yay!  Before I left he made a comment about how nice my scar was going to look and that it would be better than the scar 2 inches over from it that was done by another surgeon.  This made me chuckle a bit.  Some surgeons are all about fixing the problem no matter the cost and other are all about what the skin will look like when all is said and done.  I’ve had both.

In the past 10 years, I have been cut on by 5 surgeons and gone through 9 surgeries.  I’m not one to shy away from a knife when it’s needed and nothing else works.  In fact, from the car accident, I still have 2 more surgeries I need.  One is rather minor and will have me down for about 24 hours.  The other…a bit more invasive.   Like I said, surgery doesn’t bother me.

A lot of people freak out about having a scar. They feel less beautiful and like the world will shun them.  Not me.  I embrace it. To me, scars are history lessons.  They remind us of what we have overcome.  We all have storms in our life which we have to weather and overcome.  When I have crappy days, all I have to do is look in the mirror and I can see that I’ve overcome torn ligaments, huge cysts, bones that rub on each other and destroy things, lack of circulation which could have resulted in me losing more than just a rib, and now a really rare and very leaky complication.  And those are just some of the physical scars.  Sure, it’s a lot and none of it was really fun, but in the end I can say I won.  I have conquered so much and every scar makes me stronger. 

Call me strange, but I would never want a scar to fully disappear.  It’s nice to have a little bit of history to look back on for some encouragement during the next storm.  Next up…the neurosurgeon.  J

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Traditions

Growing up we would all (and by all I mean 20-30 ppl) gather at my grandmothers house for Easter at 2pm.  Yes, dinner at 2pm.  Must be a German thing. All the grandkids would get Easter baskets from walmart filled with candy that was possibly stale. In more recent years, I have been the one to play the Easter bunny and go out back to hide eggs for the younger grandkids.  After the egg hunt, everyone would come inside for dinner and stare questionably at the colored eggs that had been sitting out on the table for 3+ hours and wonder which adult would be the brave one to eat an egg first.  It was always a lot of fun spending time with family and catching up on life.

Isaac and I had our first Easter together back in 2005.  It was rather amusing to see him interact with my family. Later on I had learned that his family never did many things like that growing up.  It was always a quick dinner and "Happy Easter".  Seeing him in this new environment was quite comical.  He loved watching the egg hunt and now participates in hiding them with me.  All the family and all the food blew him away.

This year, we are staying in Tallahassee.  I miss my family a lot.  I sit here and think about watching Jake look for eggs and my Uncle Marvin teaching the kids to crack eggs open with their heads.  I think about the deviled eggs that mom is required to make and the 5+ desserts my grams bought.  It's hard not being there.

A few years ago, we began a new tradition on the family gatherings I wasn't able to make.  I call it "phone hot-potato".  The family still gathers at 2pm. I wait until at least 2:30 for the stragglers to get there and then I call.  It starts with gram or gramps answering the phone and then it gets passed to the next closest person and so on.  After about 30 minutes, I have talked to everyone and have said my Happy Easters.  After I hang up, I laugh and cry about how much I miss my crazy family, lunatics and all.

Growing up, I couldn't wait to go off to college.  I graduated in 2008 and have stayed in Tally for various reasons.  Now, I can't wait to move back home.  All I can say is "soon, but not soon enough".  I miss my family dearly and can't wait to see you this summer.  I love you all and to my friends and family, I wish you a Happy and Blessed Easter!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It's been a while and life can change in an instant

Soooo, It's been quite a while since I have sat down to write and I miss it.  Recently I have had the lesson about how life can literally change in an instant reiterated in my life.  About 7 weeks ago I was in a fairly serious car accident.  One moment I was driving to work down a semi-back road (they are usually safer, right???) and the next thing I know I am on a different road facing a different direction and there is pain.  I know people's first thoughts in an accident are usually along the lines of "OMG!"  Not mine.  My thought was, "You've got to be kidding me.  Someone needs to call Isaac and my mom.  Oh and can't forget to tell the boss I won't be in today."

Let's back up a little bit.  Before the accident, life was going pretty well.  I was doing great at work and learning new things.  My back pain was minimal and pretty stable.  Husband and I had just gotten back from our anniversary trip to see Mickey (where else would we have gone?).  We had booked our cruise for the week before Christmas and came up with a payment plan.  My pups were sweet as ever and having a great time playing fetch at the puppy playground.  Life was good.

Then I see something out of the corner of my eye and focused on this teenage boy's face with a look of shock as he is barreling toward me and careening into the front driver side of my car.  **Insert info given above** At first I thought the kid had driven off.  Apparently when he realized that there were at least 5-10 witnesses of road work crew right there, he pulled over in a drive way.  My body instantly hated me and shortly there after I found myself being pulled out of my car and onto a backboard.  They are less fun than they look.  :)

As I'm lying in the ambulance, the EMT leans over me (mind you my head is strapped down to this board along with the rest of my body) and says, "Some guy just tore in here on a small scooter thing. Do you know him?"  I laughed and announced that he was my husband.  She responded, "What? You didn't want to be transported to the hospital on that?"

At the hospital I was poked, prodded, and drugged.  Since then I have seen 3 different specialists and had 3 different MRI's.  Next up: Nerve conduction tests (I can't feel much in my arm) and more nerve cauterizations. Yay for me!  LOL.

I share all of this to say, "Life happens".  One instant life is peachy.  The next, you now have 2 herniated discs in your neck, have a lower back that's worse, and have almost no strength or feeling in your arm and it's turning funny colors.  I could sit here and be cranky and all "woe is me", but I don't play like that.  Yes, I have my down right painful and crappy days sometimes where I just can't muster a smile. It happens to us all.  On those days where we have the strength to fight the "crankies" that come one, we have to fight with all our might.  I was born a fighter.  My body is messed up.  I know that.  The difference is, I'm not going to let these possibly life long issues (I say possibly because I'm waiting on my miracle) get me down and make me a cranky pants.

One of my awesome aunts sends me letters every so often.  A few years ago she jotted something down on one of those cartoon with a saying notepad things you stick on the fridge.  You know what I'm talking about.  Well, this one had a great saying.  "Put your big girl panties on and get over it."  I laughed when I got it and she said she didn't even realize she sent it on that.  I loved it and now apply it to as much of my life as possible.  Everyday I have a choice.  I can A) let the pain take over and catch the crankies OR B) Put my big girl panties on and take on the world.

Life can and will change in an instant.  How bad that change can be partly depends on how you choose to deal with it.  Today, I put my big girl panties on!